Rule the Robotz - Jr.Innovator (8-10 yr)
Robotics and Programming made fun
4 weeks @ 1hr/week
August 2, 2020 at 8:00:00 AM
Online: Google meet link

Location and Time
Sunday, August 2, 2020 at 8:00:00 AM UTC
Sunday, August 2, 2020 at 8:00:00 AM UTC
Online: Google meet link
About the Event
Robotics and programming for kids aged 8-10
Session Starts: August 2nd 2020
Session Timings: 10:00AM (Germany) / 1:30PM (India)
Duration: 1hr every Sunday for 4 weeks
Session Details: Click here to download course details
Hardware purchase details: Click here to download Hardware purchase details
Topic: Interacting with the environment
- Teach the robot to see around using light/sound/touch...
- Counting events and measuring physical quantities
- Create wearable robots
- Goal: Build a Robot to interact with its surroundings
Workshop requirements:
You will need purchase of hardware and the cost is not included in the workshop cost. (purchase links above)
Mode of Payment:
Payments from Germany:
Direct Debit
- IBAN: DE77 6601 0075 0507 5467 55
Payment from India:
PayPal (preferred mode for India)
- Use "Send money" option
- Works only when you have credit card linked to your paypal
- Send to:
Local Bank transfer (India only)
- Bank name: SBI
- Account holder: Shravan S
- Savings A/c No. 10509648610
- IFSC : SBIN0000814
Cost: € 30 / Rs 2500
Note: Payment confirmation details are required to register. Please make the payment before you submit the registration