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A Lot happened this December

We always wanted to conduct a Robotics competition. The idea behind it is to get the kids familiar with competition situations and rules so that they are comfortable in such situations. We conducted the RoboCompete Workshop which had 3 sessions of training using the GearsBot simulator followed by a 2.5 hour long competition. Conducting a competition in this Corona lockdown situation forced us to look for a simulator which also uses blockly style coding. We found this great opensource tool which is developed by "A Posteriori" Team ( This was like love at first sight, it met all our expectations, it used blockly, it was easy for beginners to start using it, the simulator UI is powerful and at the sametime customizable. It has plenty of built-in features and Mats/Worlds which allows changing the environment. The most exciting feature is the ability to add objects to the Mats/Worlds just like FLL (First Lego League) and other competition mats. We wouldnt have been able to have such a successful session without the support of A Posteriori Team.

Oh and by-the-way, the "thank you list" doesn't end here. We also like to thank Kitronik ( Team for their support (#kitronik).

We announced the winners of the competition today, but deep down we know that the scores are not a true reflection of the capabilities of the students but just the initiation for a league of Competitors. As always, our aim is to help kids become curious and learn something while enjoying.

Proudly presenting the list of top scorers:

A hearty congratulations to the winners and also their parents without whose support this wouldn't have been possible.

Closing an eventful 2020 with a holiday spirit and hope for a dazzling start in 2021.

Wishing everyone Happy Holidays


A Very Happy New Year 2021.

See you on the other side...

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